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【微智慧】每天喝3杯茶可以防止心脏病,你知道吗?Drink Tea to Prevent Heart Disease
Researchers say that drinking just three cups of tea a day can protect against heart attacks and stroke, according to a story in the UK's Daily Mail on October 9.
A new review shows regular drinking of either black or green tea can reduce the risk of heart problems by 11 per cent. It cuts the build-upof plaque in the arteries - a combination of dangerous fat and cholesterol.
The review by researchers at the University of Western Australia says the benefits of tea are largely due to the flavonoid content,antioxidant ingredients that counteract cardiovascular disease.One cup of tea provides 150-200mg of flavonoids. In terms of the delivery of antioxidants, two cups of tea is equivalent to five portions of vegetables or two apples.
Dr Jonathan Hodgson, co-author of thereview, said "There is now consistent data indicating that tea and tea flavonoids can enhance nitric oxide status and improve endothelial function,which may be at least partly responsible for benefits on cardiovascular health."
Plaques in the carotid artery (a marker of atherosclerosis)have been shown to be less common in both men and women who drink tea. Bearingin mind the number of studies, including human trials, data demonstrates that flavonoids in tea can inhibit the development of atherosclerosis.
This review also highlights evidence from randomized controlled trials showing that tea consumption may improve the health of theinner lining of the blood vessels as well as evidence that tea may reduce therisk of high blood pressure and lower blood pressure.
Adding milk to tea doesn't affect the absorption of flavonoids from tea, according to several human research trials. In addition,the antioxidant effects seen in our blood following tea consumption are similar whether or not milk is added.
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