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 Translations of Interests in London

(1)Tate Modern 泰特现代美术馆
Yet this gallery devoted to modernart effortlessly pulls in the locals as well as the tourists, and ranks amongLondon's most-visited attractions.
(2)Marylebone Stroll 马里波恩
What's thenattiest neighborhood in London? Not leafy Notting Hill, not fashionable Hoxtonor Shoreditch. They're all worth a look, but the real cool resides inMarylebone, an area so confident of its charms that it doesn't need tobroadcast them.  
(3)The London Eye 伦敦眼
Yes, it's a giantferris wheel, and, yes, it's for tourists — but it's a worth a spin. Althoughit's an excruciatingly slow flight, you'll be rewarded with gloriouslyunimpeded views over London.  
(4)KensingtonGardens 肯辛顿花园
Queen Carolinelived in Kensington Palace, on the western edge of the park, which has beenhome to assorted members of the extended royal family and household, and halfof the palaces are open to the public.  
(5)The Royal CourtTheatre 英国皇家宫廷剧院
More recently, thetheater has debuted Tom Stoppard's international hit, Rock 'n' Roll, and  Christopher Shinn's  Now or Later, set on the night of a U.S.presidential election as the family of the Democratic frontrunner awaitsresults.  
【译】最近,英国皇家宫廷剧院上演了Tom Stoppard的国际巨制《Rock 'n' Roll》和 Christopher Shinn的《Now or Later》。《Now or Later》讲述的是一个美国民主党派家庭在大选揭晓之夜等待结果的故事。


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