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战胜自己赢金牌,冲吧!Conquer Yourself, Win the Medal

(1)A: Once every four years,the GREatest athletes from all over the world gather together to take part inthe Olympic Games.
A: 每隔四年,世界上最优秀的运动员都从四面八方汇集到一起参加奥林匹克盛会。
B: I think getting a gold medal is the dream of every competitor.
B: 我认为赢得一枚金牌是每一个运动员的梦想。
A: But they have to spend long yearstraining hard and lonely.
A: 但是他们必须为此年复一年地进行漫长而且常常是单一枯燥的训练。
B: Of course. After all that hard work, they will go the Olympics to compete against other excellent competitors.
B: 当然。付出这些艰辛的劳动之后,他们要到奥运赛场上同其他优秀的选手较量。
A: Besides, each of them has to over comeparticular difficulties on their way to success.
A: 除此之外,他们中的每一个人还不得不在他们成功的道路上克服许多困难。
B: Yes. Behind success are tears and sweats.
B: 对。成功的背后有太多的泪水和汗水。
(2)A: I hope China does really well in the 2012 London Olympics.
A: 我希望中国在2012伦敦奥运会上取得好成绩。
B: I'm sure it will. Chinese athletes  always performs well. And there are so many good athletes in China.
B: 我想一定能。中国运动员总是表现良好。再说中国有那么多优秀的运动员。
A: I wonder how many gold medals China will win.
A: 我想知道中国能夺得多少块金牌。
B: Remember, silver and bronze medals are important too!
B: 记住,银牌和铜牌也很重要!
A: You're right. Anyway, the most important thing is to compete well.
A: 你说得对。无论如何,最重要的是好好比赛。


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